Frequently Asked Questions
If this is a Christian hostel, do I have to be a Christian to stay there?
No. Anyone is welcome to stay at the Hostel. You just need to follow our hostel rules, like you would expect.
When can I move in?
We'd suggest that you move in up to a week before your course starts, so that you can get properly settled in – but you can move in at any time. Just arrange it with the managers. We have residents studying at lots of different places, so we are usually open from late January and don't close until early December.
Can I have my friends to stay, or for meals?
Yes - they are very welcome. There is a small charge and it must be arranged with the managers before you invite them.
Can I have my friends to stay, or for meals?
Yes - they are very welcome. There is a small charge and it must be arranged with the managers before you invite them.
What if I'm not at the Hostel for lunch or dinner - do I have to buy my own food?
No - this is not necessary.
Lunch: During the week, lunch toppings and snacks are provided at breakfast time so that you can make yourself a cut lunch to take with you.
Dinner: If you can't be here for dinner, because you have a scheduled class or sports practice or a church event, we will keep a late meal for you.
Do I have to move out during the holidays?
No - the room is yours for the whole academic year.
If I move out during the holidays do I have to keep paying fees?
Yes - the room is yours for the whole academic year. You can leave your things there, and no-one else will use it.
Is the Hostel safe?
Yes - as safe as it can be. All of the exterior doors are locked each evening. You will have keys to your door and your block, so you won't be locked out - or in. You are free to come and go as you choose! Also, because it is a small Hostel people get to know each other and can look out for each other. There are staff on duty 24 hours a day.
~ Notes from Past Students ~
"Great place to stay and made heaps of friends."
~ Notes from Past Students ~
"Nice place full of christians, warm, and good food."